Meeting cancelled due to a bereavement in the Family of a club member. Contact John, EI7IG for further information, 086-8167310.
Meeting Thursday evening.
While we realise that its very close to the new year, but we thought we would go ahead with a meeting anyway. So we look forward to seeing as many as can make it on Thursday night (4th January).
Happy Christmas!
Wishing all the best to you and yours from the Committee of Tipperary Amateur Radio Group.
de John, EI7IG
Interesting article from ARRL:
Christmas Dinner
Many thanks to all who turned up, the consensus is that a great night was had by all (we are still waiting to hear reports back from the ‘early’ crew). There was some talk of a ‘social events’ committe being formed, discussions are ongoing.
Happy Christmas to all!
High Winds!
Andy, EI5JF sent along these pictures of damage done to his antenna installation in the recent high winds. To add insult to injury, Andy has also come down with the flu!
SEMRA Excercise
Pictures from TARG AGM
Christmas dinner venue decided!
After a flurry of phone calls this afternoon, the majority selected Mr Brumbles, Clonmel for the 9th of December at 19:00 sharp. We have to vacate the premises by 21:15 in order to allow for a second sitting.
Christmas Dinner
The current candidates are Chrissies in Clonmel, Mr Brumbles in Clonmel, and the Galtee Inn in Cahir.